A Flood and Waiting
A series of sunflower blooms grown and photographed in the summer of the year 2023.

Hi, I am David.
An artist from Florida, living in Wisconsin
chasing light, and learning to help things grow,
contemplating the transcendent beauty of created things,
observing rays of light as they fall upon a flower’s petals.
The Print Store is Always Open
My work is available for purchase as photographic prints and canvas prints in multiple sizes. Come on in !
Home grown and photographed.
My photographs tell the story of the inherent beauty and goodness revealed to us through natures rhythms. The patterns that emerge as a result of a collaboration between God and man.
I grew all of these flowers from seed in my garden and then selected my favorites to document. These pictures contain not only the work of my hands in the soil but also a narrative that exists in our culture that goes back thousands of years to when people first began to cultivate plants for the nourishment of their families.